Hoop Bus x Beyond the Board

Last week I was sitting parked in the Shred Sled working out the details for our upcoming “No Sleep Tour” when a random car appeared. Out pops Nick Ansom of the Hoop Bus, a Venice non-profit that builds community with grassroots basketball events.

Nick mentioned that they were doing a fundraising event tomorrow in collaboration with CAMP, a local LA gym. The idea was for every basket made during the class, they would donate $1 to the organization.

The Hoop Bus was one of my biggest inspirations for starting Beyond the Board in the first place so when Nick asked if I wanted to throw a hoop on the Shred Sled you know I was in!

Adding the hoop

That night we went to some secret workshop where we took an old hoop, painted it, and attached it to the Shred Sled. Held together by a couple screws and some zip ties, it was definitely a DIY project.

We had a great turn out and together we ended up raising around $2,000.

It was rad to work with other sports-focused community leaders and we can’t wait for the next opportunity.

We’re stoked to announce the Hoop Bus as an official partner for our upcoming longboard tour. Expect to see a fresh hoop on the back of the Shred Sled all tour long.

Or click below to read the next blog post!

Brandon DesJarlais

Brandon is the Founder and Executive Director at Beyond the Board. He’s been skating professionally since 2016 and loving every minute of it.


Announcing our 3rd annual Beyond the Board Summer Skate Tour Schedule


The Shred Sled's Artistic Makeover with KidWiseman (video)